Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Memories

Many of us have childhood memories of Easter.
In my house growing up, Easter morning meant
a basket full of candy, chocolate bunnies, marshmellow treats,
and jelly beans.
The night before Easter, we spent hours decorating hard-boiled eggs.
It never failed that dye got every where. But my mom never got mad.
Hell, she was right there in the mix competing to make the best egg.
Then by the time we kids woke up the next morning, the eggs were gone.
The mysterious Easter bunny had hidden them all over the yard.
We'd spend hours looking for them and always never found at least one.
Until a few weeks later, that is, when the distinct smell of a rotten egg
always gave away it's spot.
Easter also meant having to go to church dressed up in a new Easter outfit.
None of us liked that. New clothes always were uncomfortable and what was
worst were those patent leather Mary Janes that were hard and didn't bend.
It was like trying to walk in a wooden shoe.
And I have to tell you about the time that my uncle (who is only 1 year and 11 months
older than me) chased me down because I ate his chocolate bunnie's ears off. In my
haste to out run him, I slipped out of those dreaded Mary Janes and took off.
Big Mistake. Did you know that they double as weapons? He flung one of those at
the back of my head. THe heal clipped me in the back of the skull and we spent that
EAster in the emergency room getting 8 stitches.
So remember Never leave the Mary Janes behind when you slip out of them to run.
And how about those FAmily protraits outside the house because we all looked
great accourding to mom. But we felt goofy being the typical snot nosed kids that we were.
I happen to see one of those pictures the other day when I was going through a box
of pictures from my mom's house. Man did we look funny. THink 70's hair styles and clothes.

THis Easter's a tough one for me.
I lost my Mom in February.
But my kids and my husband are by my side. I don't have to cook today. We're going
to a family members home for dinner.

If you've got any great EAster Memories please share.
I'd love to hear them
YOur Friend,
Tara Nina

Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Spring Tease

I live in New England. It's a beautiful part of the country and I wouldn't want to live anywhere else--most of the time. I love the hot, sunny days of summer, the colorful foliage with warm days and crisp nights in fall. I love having white Christmass most years, and I love watching spring explode onto the scene in March.

Herein lies the problem.

It is now March and I am SO DONE with winter. Snow was lovely during the holidays, but now I'm pale and pasty and just want to go outside without having to dress in a thousand layers or worry about dragging in mud and slop onto the floor when I come home. I'm ready for warm days and sunshine and only having to wear a sweatshirt when I run out the door.

Spring fever takes on a new meaning for me right about now. We'll get a few warm days were I start to think the end of winter is upon us at last. I begin to plan my annual gardens and think about how I'm going to work in the yard go for long walks. I search for the miniscule tips of tulip bulbs bursting from the ground and get excited when I see bits of green budding everywhere.

And then we get another snow storm.

This is why I know Mother Nature is a woman. Just when she thinks you're getting a little too ahead of yourself, she slams your ass and reminds you exactly how insignificant you really are. Bitch.

So even though today is sunny and mild and in the 50's , I'm not rushing out to prepare my flower beds. I'm going to enjoy the day for what it is, a glimpse of the future, and not let my hopes get dashed yet again.


Saturday, March 1, 2008

Bad week?

Are you having a bad week? So was I. My computer crashed, my muse wasn't talking to me and I had this blog thing to do... and I was about to start another stretch of five twelve hour shifts at the hospital where I work as a midwife. Things seemed to go from bad to worse when I started my car at 5.30am and one of the headlights went out. And at that time in the morning, with twelve hour shifts in front of me for days the prospects of getting it fixed were slim.

Then I met Linsay, a nineteen year old who had just had her first baby.
Nothing unusal there right?
Wrong. Linsay had a very long labor and during the course of it her baby became distressed. When he was born, he had to be rushed to the Special Care Baby Unit for assistance with his breathing. Then her afterbirth didn't separate from her womb and she had to go to theatre to undergo a procedure to have it removed. During the procedure Linsay started to bleed. And her heart stopped. 3 times. It took them 30 minutes to bring her pulse back after the last time and to stop the bleeding they had to give her a complete hysterectomy. She ended up spending a couple of days in ICU until she stabilised.

Still think you're having a bad week?
Me either.

Today Linsay's baby is well and back with his mother. Linsay herself is also recovered. Mum and baby will be going home tomorrow.

Sometimes life has a way of reminding you what's really important. To me, Linsay's story was definitely a wake up call. I hope by sharing it I've encouraged you to take a minute to be grateful for what you have and to not worry about the small stuff.