Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Spring Tease

I live in New England. It's a beautiful part of the country and I wouldn't want to live anywhere else--most of the time. I love the hot, sunny days of summer, the colorful foliage with warm days and crisp nights in fall. I love having white Christmass most years, and I love watching spring explode onto the scene in March.

Herein lies the problem.

It is now March and I am SO DONE with winter. Snow was lovely during the holidays, but now I'm pale and pasty and just want to go outside without having to dress in a thousand layers or worry about dragging in mud and slop onto the floor when I come home. I'm ready for warm days and sunshine and only having to wear a sweatshirt when I run out the door.

Spring fever takes on a new meaning for me right about now. We'll get a few warm days were I start to think the end of winter is upon us at last. I begin to plan my annual gardens and think about how I'm going to work in the yard go for long walks. I search for the miniscule tips of tulip bulbs bursting from the ground and get excited when I see bits of green budding everywhere.

And then we get another snow storm.

This is why I know Mother Nature is a woman. Just when she thinks you're getting a little too ahead of yourself, she slams your ass and reminds you exactly how insignificant you really are. Bitch.

So even though today is sunny and mild and in the 50's , I'm not rushing out to prepare my flower beds. I'm going to enjoy the day for what it is, a glimpse of the future, and not let my hopes get dashed yet again.



Titania Ladley said...

I'm with you, Ari. I think this has been the longest winter of my life. I mean, I love it in the beginning, but enough is enough! LOL We've been having 40's for highs, which is a scorcher compared to what it's been since November/December. Even though it's still chilly, I keep reciting to myself...we're almost out of the woods...we're almost out of the woods...we're almost out of the woods...

Stay warm, and keep your sights set on sunny days ahead!



Shelley Munro said...


I'm in New Zealand, and I think we've stolen your spring. Our summer is just going on and on. The last week has been very hot. LOL - I'm enjoying it and definitely not ready for winter!

N.J.Walters said...

Amen! I was wearing sneakers a week ago. Since then, we've had 18 inches of snow, 60 mph winds, and this morning it's freezing rain.

Is it spring yet?