Usually when I write, I have revelations about characters or actions but recently I had a revelation about underwear.
My current story (just days from sending to my editor) involves a pair of crimson panties. They appear at various times in the story. My heroine likes to wear sexy red panties under her police uniform. It gives her an extra boost of confidence when she's working with the male officers.
After I wrote it, it made me think: how much influence does my underwear have on my attitude?
I’ll state now, I go for comfort, not style, almost every time. If I have to spend the day readjusting my bra or tugging on my undies, I’m going to be irritated. But I usually try to get something that’s at least pretty.
Recently, I was desperate for underwear and ended up purchasing what can only be called "Granny Panties." Every time I put them on, even though no else is likely to see them, I feel frumpy and bland. I’d throw them away but I’m also a terrible shopper so I need them in my undie rotation right now. But they are always my last choice. And I sigh whenever I see them. Strange how something most people never see influences behavior.
There’s probably some comment on the sexual nature of our society in there but that's not something I can figure out right now.
And just a note, I watch movies and TV shows and whenever a woman is seen in her underwear, it's always sexy and it always matches! I can't believe that's real life--does everyone wear sexy bras and thongs under their work clothes? That’s got to be some male costume designer’s dream right? Who does that? And even when I do wear sexy, they don’t match. I don’t have time for those kinds of complications.
So, no wicked revelations today, just thinking about foundations in writing. (Get it? Foundations? I’m hilarious. I know)