Sunday, October 21, 2012

Romanticon 2012

By now you’ve probably read a dozen blogs on the Ellora’s Cave Publishing Romanticon so I’m not going to expand on the parties and giveaways, lap dancing and naughty photo ops. Instead I wanted to write about how Romanticon made me feel. Towards the end of that week one of my good friends and fellow Scribe, Ruby Storm said to me that I used to be so shy and quiet but this week she saw a big change in me. At the time I told her that it was my job as a midwife that had made me more outgoing and that is partly true but it’s not the whole story. I’m still ‘the quiet one’ externally at least. I watch people and listen and now and again my work mates are surprised when I zing them with the occasional comment or ask me what I am smiling about when I catch them in an innuendo. At home I don’t go out much I just go to work and come home to write, or read. I don’t have many friends and am single and if wasn’t for my job I could go a whole week without speaking to another person, in person that is. Most of my friends are out in the world, in touch only through the silken strands of the world wide web. This may sound rather lonely and I have to agree that sometimes it is but mostly, in the words of Jane Austen, I find myself quite content.

At other cons I have found myself watching the ‘cool kids’ and wishing I could be part of that crowd or seeing things go on and wish I was brave enough to do that. To join in. I rarely ever do though whether it’s shyness, or natural reserve or both.
Romanticon though, was different.

We were all the cool kids. Perhaps it helped that the whole hotel was ours and there was no one to offend. No need to worry about who would see you and what they would say or think. The atmosphere or the Con was relaxed, friendly, open… permissive. There was no divide between author and reader. Everyone was there for the same thing, the love of naughty fun where no one gets hurt. It felt safe.

I am not a good dancer but I danced like no one was watching every night. I danced with hot guys who although they were beautiful and amazing dancers themselves made me feel like I was Jennifer Grey in Dirty Dancing. Me, the girl who was always picked last in school dance class. I danced with girls too without giving it a second thought and got cheers and cat calls. I presented a workshop and stood in front of a room full of people and talked about dicks and porn without blushing (much) or worrying about what people thought. I posed for a sexy picture with nine of the cover models and giggled like a school girl while they did their best to make me feel comfortable. I did a book signing where people didn’t pass me by because my books were erotic romances, where I didn’t feel somehow less an author because they were ebooks first. When we left the hotel staff said it felt like Christmas was over.

I drank, I danced, I hugged, I laughed, I cried. Not once in the whole week did I worry about what others thought of me.

I heard someone describe Romanticon as a family reunion and yes it does have the feel of a big, boisterous family. Only this family won’t turn you away if you are a bit different. Once you attend then you are instantly adopted and I guarantee you will wish away the year until you can join them again.


joysann said...

Cait... Cait, this is so eloquent and beautiful. I didn't know you were so shy; in the past I was hesitant to approach you because you seemed so "cool". I mean, you come from so far and you seem (are) so special... This past weekend did break down those barriers evident elsewhere, and I, too, felt more at ease making new friends. I so glad to think of you as one of them. Until next time, and in between electronically... Thank you.

Cait Miller said...

Thanks Joysann, it was lovely to meet you too and next time we meet it'll be as friends :)

Cait Miller said...

Thanks Cris! I'll read for you anytime!

Claudia said...

Cait has blossomed! Congratulations! I'm sorry I missed your 'coming out' party. Hopefully, I can make it next year. Definitely gonna try. Glad you had so much fun!

Cait Miller said...

Oh Claudia, you have to come it is SO much fun :)

Lynn LaFleur said...

I agree with everything Cait wrote. RomantiCon is like a big happy family at Christmas. I loved every moment of it, and am especially thankful to spend so much time with three of my Sizzling Scribes sisters this year.

The next RomantiCon can't get here fast enough!


Ruby Storm said...

There's my Scottish lass...

Cait, you make me smile. Whether it's on email, lunching, or humping your leg at Romanticon. HA! When we did our workshop, it hit me just how articulate you are. You got across exactly what you were trying to say and did it so expressively. And I love your zingers. They make me giggle. I am so glad you and I are friends, that all the Scribes are a close-knit bunch. Just stinks that we have an ocean between us! Love you, girl and all your 'specialness'.

Cait Miller said...

Hey Lynn, Ruby...
"You can DO EET!"
Love you girls! xo

Unknown said...

You're so right Cait. Attending Romanticon is a fabulous experience. I am not one of the "cool" kids. I am shy and tend to just sit and watch. Everyone makes everyone feel welcome and a part of the group. The cavemen are astounding. I'm no skinny minny, but they all made me feel important. I'm already wishing for next year to get here and fast.

Shana Gray said...

Cait, Your post brought tears to my eyes. I've felt like you many times and its hard to shake. But this con was simply wonderful and you it the nail on the head with your post. Until next year! Where we can do it all over again with even more abandon!

Anonymous said...

Cait, I am so glad you felt comfortable. All of you are so wonderful - you make us feel good too. I am so thankful to all of our authors, staff, models, editors, artists, guests, reviewers and friends who attended. Tina felt good enough after her Thursday Cave Chaos workshop to attend both parties and the Sexporium. That is a testament to all of you - not us - for making us feel like family, too. Thanks so much. Now, if you do karaoke next year, I might consider it...if you email me with a song I can see if Rob and Brian can get it for us. Looking forward to seeing all of you again at RomantiCon 2013!!!

Cait Miller said...

Me too Julianne!

Cait Miller said...

Thanks Cristal, here's to next year!

Cait Miller said...

Patty, thank you. I saw Tina at the Sexporium and was so proud of her. I was seriously tempted by the karaoke this year but chickened out. I might take you up on it for next year!

Tara Nina said...

Morning Cait, I love you! You are my Scottish little sister. I've heard you sing and I know you can carry a tune so next year, I'll stand beside you at karaoke (I promise not to sing) but as morale support. Cause
I miss all of ya'll and can't wait to see everyone again.
Your blog was perfectly written and so truthful about this event. Everyone is family and free to be themselves.
To Romanticon 2013...Look out, here we come.

Lisa Carlisle said...

Cait, it was so nice to meet you, dance with you, party with you, etc. I'm usually one of the quiet ones, too. Not at Romanticon, though. ;)

Karla Doyle said...

This was my first RomantiCon and I had no idea what to expect or how to fit in. Your post summed it up perfectly!

I'm sorry we didn't meet this year, but if you'll be there in 2013 (as I certainly will be), let's make sure we do! Until then, there's Twitter :)

Diana Hunter said...

Cait, you said it all beautifully. I missed being able to come to Romanticon this year because of a previous engagement, but darn it! Next year would be wonderful if ALL the Scribes could be there!

Glad you had such a wonderful time...

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