Sunday, December 30, 2007

New year, new beginnings, right? January’s named for Janus, the god of two faces…of looking forward and backward at the same time. Appropriate enough…we make our resolutions based on what we’ve learned in the past.

So, based on my knowledge of the past, here are my resolutions and what I suspect will become of them:

I hereby resolve to walk thirty minutes every day. EVERY day. Which means I’ll probably actually get off my duff and take that walk three times a week. In January. By March I’ll be happy with once a week and by May, once a month.

I hereby resolve to stop eating chocolate for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Which leaves brunches, tea time and midnight snack times wide open for my favorite food group.

I hereby resolve to write two thousand words a day. As an average. And I’ll live up to this…on the weekends. Most weekends. Okay…SOME weekends. Damn. I’ll never get a book finished!

I hereby resolve to spend less time in Second Life and more time on Real Life. Yeah…fat chance. SL RULES!

I hereby resolve to behave myself at the Romantic Times conference in April. No, really! I promise! I won’t slip a single dollar bill in any of the model’s pants. Honest! Of course, I might slip a twenty…

All right…based on how I’ve kept New Year’s resolutions in the past, I think I’m pretty safe with those. Your turn. C’mon…’fess up. What resolutions are you making you KNOW you won’t keep?


Ruby Storm said...

Diana said, "I hereby resolve to behave myself at the Romantic Times conference in April. No, really! I promise! I won’t slip a single dollar bill in any of the model’s pants. Honest! Of course, I might slip a twenty…"

Oh geez...this sighed as I'm wiping the tears of laughter on my cheeks with one hand and clinging to my belly fat with the other. "Okay," I say to myself, "take a deep breath..." Okay...I think I'm fine. There's no way Diana will behave herself at RT - especially if I'm there to lead her astray!!!!


Lynn LaFleur said...

I don't make resolutions because I never keep them. However, a good friend of mine and I decided we want to lose 20 pounds by RT. I've lost two so far. And I haven't gotten on the scales since Christmas. I probably won't get on the scales until after New Year's Day either, since I'm going to my sister's for lunch and she fixes ALL the goodies.

Maybe my friend will settle for 10 pounds by RT.


Titania Ladley said...

I resolve to not make any resolutions. lol I just can't trust myself to keep them. If I don't make them, then end up doing something resolution-ish, like quit eating cookies or lose weight or work out, I feel much more proud of myself. :D

HAPPY 2008, everyone!


Micqui Miller said...

This is Lynn's "friend". No way, my girl, it's 20 pounds, and I haven't weighed since I went on vacation--in September. Eeeek! But we'll be gorgeous at RT.

The Phantomess

Anny Cook said...

No resolutions. I set goals. As I reach them I set new goals. Goal #1 walk every set distance or time. Goal #2 develop a schedule for writing...what do I want to accomplish each month? Goal #3 pick up around the house each evening so it doesn't get so messy. That's it!

Cait Miller said...

I resolve: Never to drink again... ok...never to drink wine again... much.
I resolve to stay away from kilt wearing firemen.
I resolve not to ask whether they are wearing anything but their fire hoses under said kilts.
I resolve not to look when they offer to show me.
I resolve to have my camera ready if...when..IF I weaken.
I resolve to behave just as well as Diana, Lynn and Ruby at RT :->
Did I mention not drinking again?